SEPTEMBER 30TH - Sept. Chapter Meeting - Professional Development Meeting - Leveraging the Early Warning Signs of IT Project Failure (and Success)

Title:  Leveraging the Early Warning Signs of IT Project Failure (and Success)



Project metrics are of four kinds: 1) trailing indicators that reveal where we are today, 2) leading indicators that extrapolate into the future in an attempt to tell us where we will end up, 3) Early Warning Signs (EWS) that provide a forewarning of impending project challenges or failure, and 4) delivered business value.  Traditional project management methodologies emphasize trailing indicators (such as actual cost, schedule variance, cost variance, utilization rate, and others) and leading indicators (such as Earned Value and Planned Value).  Unfortunately, numerous studies reveal that traditional project management often fails to deliver expected business value.  It is apparent we are not measuring the right things.  In this presentation we will explain why the key to project success is tracking the Early Warning Signs of project disfunction and delivered business value, how to monitor them continuously and how to leverage strategic project intelligence to implement a systemic approach to effective project management, and success.   
About John Bowen:
John Bowen is Senior Consultant and Executive Speaker to CXOs, executive organizations and professional groups for Computer Aid, Inc.(CAI).He has more tha35 years of IT management experience including executive leadership, technology management, IT integration, IT due diligence,
strategic planning and large-scale system implementation.  
John is also president of Management Envision LLC, a research and consulting company focused on
innovative presentation of complex issues in process, portfolio, project and program management.  He
provides management consulting services to IT organizations in global expansion.  
Before joining CAI, John served for ten years as CIO of PPL Global, the international division of PPL
Corporation.  In that role, he was responsible for IT management and operations in Latin America and
lived for several years in Argentina and Chile.   
He has managed multi-national projects involving teams in more than 25 countries.  He authored an
acclaimed project management methodology and established project management offices (PMOs) in
multiple companies in the US and Latin America.
John  is a Rector Scholar and magna cum laude graduate of DePauw University witdegrees in
mathematics, computer science and symbolic logic.  He has taught international business, information
engineering and project managemenfor MBA programs at fifteen universities and is currently visiting
instructor of international business and project management at Lehigh University’s Iacocca Institute and
adjunct professor of project management in the Lehigh University College of Business and Economics
Executive EducatioProgram.  John has taught international business and project leadership to more
than 800 professionals from 100 countries at thIacocca Institute´s Global Village program.  
Since 2015, John has presented  at more than 150  events to an audience of over 12,000  executives,
business professionals and graduate  students in over 50  cities in 13 countries on four continents.
John's industry knowledge spans software development, higher education, power  generation,  energy
distribution, telecommunications  and health care.  


Date & Time

Thursday September 30th, 2021 6:30pm EST

End Date & Time

Thursday September 30th, 2021 7:45pm EST

Venue:  Virtual via Zoom

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Virtual Event

Date: September 30th, 2021

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:00PM

Registration close date: September 30th, 2021 at 6:15PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free


Virtual Event