Upcoming Events


Chapter Meetings and Events


The PMI Binghamton Chapter hosts monthly member meetings. Guest speakers present varying topics of interest to the project management community.                      

The March Chapter meeting will be held on Thursday, March 13th at Binghamton University - Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Health Sciences Building (HSB), located at 48 Corliss Avenue in Johnson City, NY.  The March Chapter Meeting will focus on the Science of Great Leadership.  Click Learn More for additional details about this event


Our next Professional Development Day (PDD) will be held on Friday, March 14th at Binghamton University - Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Health Sciences Building (HSB), located at 48 Corliss Avenue in Johnson City, NY.   Click Learn More for additional details about this event.  


Both the March Chapter Meeting and the PDD will be facilitated by Dr. Toby Groves.



For additional information about our organization and upcoming events, please click on the "Events" and "News and Information" menu items, or feel free to contact our VP of Programs at VP_Programs@PMI-Binghamton.org.

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