OCTOBER 21 - Oct. Chapter Meeting - Professional Development Meeting - The Fine Art of People Power

Title:  The Fine Art of People Power



Would you like to inspire your group? Would you like to show your group how they can lead each other to success? Would you like the members of your group to have a better appreciation for each other? If so, then you have to experience Jonathan’s presentation titled, “The Fine Art of People Power.” People Power refers to the power that everyone has to influence others positively.
In order to showcase People Power, Jonathan shares stories of his journey from living in public housing projects and homeless shelters as a child to becoming an attorney and Section Chief at a State Attorney General’s Office. “He has a powerful story of triumph against the odds that will appeal to many audiences. His humor and insight make him both entertaining and encouraging. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing him speak!” said Katrina Metzler of the National Association for State Community Services Programs.
Yet, Jonathan will be the first to tell you that his achievements were not made alone. They were made possible by family, friends and colleagues who served as a positive influence in his life, especially during the most challenging times. In other words, People Power allowed Jonathan to emerge from his life of poverty and homelessness. People Power had a powerful impact on his life. And it can have a huge impact on yours. People Power can inspire you. It can guide you through great difficulties. It can lead you to high achievement and unparalleled success. Contact Jonathan today about the possibility of sharing, “The Fine Art of People Power” with your group.

About Jonathan Michael Bowman, J.D.:
Jonathan’s presentations are the result of heartfelt experience, critical thought and an unbridled passion to help others achieve their full potential.
Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Jonathan is the last of four children, whose lives were enveloped in poverty and homelessness. By the time he was 17 years old, he and his family had lived in two homeless shelters, a church, a small
fourth-floor attic, public housing projects and a hotel, among many other places.
However, with his determination to ascend from poverty unaffected, he earned his G.E.D. and obtained an associate’s degree in English and Communications at Allegheny Community College. He went on to earn his bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communications from Point Park University where he graduated Cum Laude. Jonathan then attended and graduated from Ohio State University College of Law. He then practiced law at the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.
During his 12-year career there, he served in a variety of leadership posts, including Deputy Attorney General and Section Chief. He led several departments to achieve success. As a result, he was a recipient of the Ohio Attorney General's Innovation and Excellence Award in 2005.
Jonathan is also an avid photographer. Pictures have intrigued him ever since he was a child. While growing up, drawing pictures provided him with an escape from his life of poverty. Later in life he became hooked on photography when he happened upon a 35mm camera and looked through the viewfinder. He was so enthralled that he studied photography as part of his undergraduate major in communications.
Today Jonathan serves as CEO of Clear Picture Leadership®. He uses lessons learned from his childhood, leadership skills honed throughout his career and the inspiration embodied in his artwork to encourage leaders to achieve a “clear picture” vision. As Jonathan says, “Picturing your destination is the first step to achieving something great.” Sometimes leaders are tempted to cast aside an imaginative vision because it is deemed “unrealistic.” Yet – as his tagline says – Jonathan challenges leaders with “a different perspective: Where imagination and reality meetTM”.

Thursday October 21st, 2021 6:30pm EST - 8:00pm EST

Venue:  Virtual via Zoom

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Virtual Event

Date: October 21st, 2021

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:00PM

Registration close date: October 21st, 2021 at 6:15PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free


Virtual Event